Sunday, June 12, 2016


I did a search using Google Trends showing different topics and Google give the results of how much search has been requested through their site. I did a comparison between different religions:
Jesus, Islam, Buddhism and Hindu.
the search also allows to see from witch countries there were more hits and also related searches.

Every April/march  and December there is a peak on the search for Jesus

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Se vc quer ver o Brasil mudar:

1. pare de achar que politica eh coisa do diabo. 
2. pare de pensar que politica eh coisa de ladrao. 
3. Pare de acreditar que o Brasil não tem mais jeito. 
4. Pare de acreditar que a corrupção faz parte da cultura do brasileiro. 
5. Pare de acreditar que um politico sozinho vai mudar tudo. 
6. comece a acreditar que voce e responsável pela mudança
7. comece a lutar pelo que e certo e honesto. 
8. comece a promover o bem e a honestidade na sua própria casa (comece com seu imposto de renda). 
9. promova justiça e acredite que existe esperança para o nosso pais. 
10. repita esta lista todos os dias ate vc acreditar que a frase 9 eh verdade. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

The future of Education

This video brings a documentary about the future of Education.
It addresses some interesting points about how technology will change the way we teach and how education can be used to prepare the children for the future.

Friday, August 15, 2014

University of the Nations - Honoring Howard Malmstad

This video was made to honor Howard Malmstad, american chemist who dedicated his life to introduce many new technologies to the field of chemistry. Later in his career, he decided to move to Hawaii to help pioneer with Loren Cunningham the University of the Nations.
Very well known in the academic community, he had tremendous impact in many people's life during his years as professor at the university of Illinois.

Reference Docs:
The scientific legacy of Howard Vincent Malmstadt
Special Honor Issue — Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Howard V. Malmstadt